Sunday 1 March 2015

Zero Internet Comming Soon

Facebook  has recently started working on a massive project called or 'Zero Internet'. This will help the people all over world to access the internet with zero charge. This initiative has been supported by many countries of the world including Bangladesh.  This project is supposed to start within this March-April.
Meanwhile a  team from  Facebook's '' project is currently working in Bangladesh. Dipti Gore, Co-organizer of this project is currently investigating several issues in Bangladesh. Our source has confirmed that the Zero Internet Team had a meeting at Prime Minister's Office with several NGO, Print Media, Mobile operators and they have come to an agreement about the project.
 6 portals of Bangladesh have agreed to contribute to Zero Internet project. These 6 portals will be free to browse. BTRC  has confirmed that they are already working on zero Wikipedia and they will be happy if the Zero Internet project succeeds. They have also assured all sorts of assistance if necessary.
Meanwhile four mobile operators Grameenphone, Robi, Banglalink and Airtel are providing service to get access to facebook free. They  aloso confirmed they want to be the fisrt
to provide free internet across   the country. 


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